What is our Customer Experience Panel?
Over the next few years we’ll be transforming some of the ways we do business with our customers.
Initiatives we’re planning include:
- A new website that will be more accessible and functional.
- A new system that will support our customer relationship management.
As part of these projects, and others in the future, we’re keen to recruit a panel of customers. We need to gain valuable insights into the way people understand and interact with information, and the terminology they use.
How does it work?
We're creating a panel of customers who we can call on to help us at certain stages throughout each project. You may be interested in helping us out just once, or on numerous occasions. Sometimes it may take just 10 to 15 minutes of your time, and at others, it might take an hour or two.
We’ll randomly select people from the panel each time and we’ll touch base to make sure our timelines suit you, and that you’re still willing and available to participate.
The only requirement is that you have access to a computer (or tablet) and a stable internet connection.
What's the incentive?
If you're selected, not only will you help improve our customer service systems, but you’ll also have an amount deducted from your next bill.
You’ll receive $50 for each session up to 30 minutes. So, if you’re selected and agree to a two-hour session, your bill will be reduced by $200.