Planning for the future

As part of our vision to go beyond water for strong communities, we’re committed to being bold in our work to care for and protect the environment. This commitment is reflected in our day-to-day work and is an important factor when we plan and undertake many of our projects.

One of those projects is a major upgrade of the Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant. The project is designed to cater for population, business and industry growth while continuing to protect public health and the environment.

The plant, located near Thunder Point in Warrnambool, treats sewage and trade waste from the city as well as Allansford and Koroit by removing physical, chemical and biological contaminants. The aim is to produce treated effluent that is suitable to discharge to the ocean according to the Environment Protection Act 2017 and site-specific discharge licence requirements.

The $85 million upgrade project will provide additional capacity to help manage the sewage and trade waste. It will also improve the quality of treated effluent discharged into the ocean. For example, improving the inlet screens and adding chemical dosing and UV technology will improve solids removal, reduce nutrient levels and disinfect the effluent, providing an additional layer of protection for the environment and public health.

Developing an Effluent Management Strategy

In parallel with the upgrade project, we need to consider our community's long-term expectations on how we should manage treated effluent in the future. There are general concerns worldwide about the increasing impact that all sewage outfalls are having on the marine environment and the need to further consider biodiversity impacts and human health concerns. There are also growing calls for effluent to be treated to a safer standard and reused for beneficial purposes, supporting adaptation to climate change.

There are a number of options available to us and we have to decide which best serves the community and our stakeholders. That's why we're developing an Effluent Management Strategy.

  • Tell us your priorities

    You can let us know your priorities when it comes to the management of treated effluent in Warrnambool. Feedback is open until 30 August 2024.

Find out more

We're seeking feedback from our customers and the community about their priorities when it comes to the management of treated effluent in Warrnambool. So - do you have a minute, or maybe more? Then let us know what you think.

What do you value?

The Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant is located on coastal land west of Thunder Point, with an ocean outfall close to Shelly Beach. We want to know how you use this area and what you value most.

What do you value about the Shelly Beach and Thunder Point area?

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30 August, 2024

Colleen says:

Kelp forests. Beauty of the area. Accessibility. Walking. Beachcombing. Hooded plovers and other beach nesting birds.

30 August, 2024

Claudia says:

We value the vista, bike path, walking tracks.When we take visitors there they are amazed at the pristine wild coastline and colour of sea

28 August, 2024

Roland says:

Marine life; please help protect and enhance the diversity in this area. Keep the ocean as unpolluted as possible. Reuse the resource.

28 August, 2024

Gabriella says:

The rockpools, the water surrounding, a lot of marine life, see crabs and sea stars, shore birds, there's an endangered bird that nests down

27 August, 2024

Lou Hollis says:

It's wild, relatively unspoilt, and needs to remain that way

How do you use Shelly Beach?

Tell us your priorities?