Share your thoughts

At Wannon Water, we provide our customers with the water and sewerage services they need to build healthy and strong communities. As a not-for-profit organisation, we prioritise what we're investing in to make sure we're meeting our customers’ needs and expectations while also keeping their bills affordable.

To shape our future

Every five years we prepare a Price Submission to our independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission (ESC), that justifies the water and sewerage charges on our customers’ bills.

The submission outlines the costs required to operate our business, the demand for water and sewerage services, and the investments we need to make in new infrastructure.

Feedback from our customers and the community is a fundamental part of the process. Put simply, we are focussed on delivering the services that people want and achieving value for money.

We want your feedback

Share your thoughts to help us improve the services we provide to better support the needs of our customers and community.

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Let us know your priorities

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